A discarded pamphlet lies in a gutter in the megalopolis of Geneva Prime, smeared with blackrock grease and barely legible. A header in cobalt blue ink reads "Goshi Mining Corp: Employee Bulletin". It is full of upbeat positive news about the future of the company and congenial advice to "our valued employees". On the inner fold there is an article which in all likelihood no eye has ever examined until yours. Here it is:
Do Tee-Shee exist?
Goshi Mining Corp continues to be innovative in every area of our business, including in the employment of native Karians in our workforce. Recently, there has been some confusion among miners about reports of a "Tee-Shee" in sector Epsilon 8. As more Karians join our company we should expect elements of their culture to influence others around them, for this reason the Executor has ordered sensitivity training for all Cheldrun employees. It is important that we welcome our Karian co-workers, but we must remember that they are severely handicapped both genetically and technologically.
Such an example of their handicap are these rumors of a "Tee-Shee". Apparently, it is a common belief among Karians that when one of them dies prematurely they are reborn as a demon-spirit known as a Tee-Shee. These Tee-Shee are said to be powerful magical creatures capable of killing with their touch or even possessing their victim. Now there are rumors that a Tee-Shee was responsible for the recent cave-in and the tragic deaths of a dozen miners. While Goshi Corp takes every possible explanation very seriously, an investigation has discovered no evidence that there was any supernatural cause for this horrible accident.
In Karian belief the Tee-Shee function as guardians, or avengers, seeking justice or striving to right some metaphysical imbalance. There are elaborate systematizations of the Tee-Shee into various types and categories, ascribing different attributes to each. Particularly ancient or powerful Tee-Shee are known as Kyo-Tee-Shee. Some Karian tribes even worship the Kyo-Tee-Shee as gods or try to appease them with sacrifice. However, and we must emphasize this, there is no evidence that the Tee-Shee exist.
All the members of the Goshi Mining Corp Advisory Board sincerely lament the recent tragedy and we praise our engineers who have made Blackrock Mining safer than it has ever been. We care about each of our employees and we are glad to be able to put these unhelpful rumors to rest.
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