Once upon a time a young vorax traveled far and wide in search of new cultural morsels on Karia, as all young vorax do. One day in a distant purpurant* glade he encountered a jevumm. The tiger-creature was about to pounce and devour him when the fledgling called out, "Wait! I wish to hear of your greatest pride so that I may spread it to the far reaches of Karia!" This made the jevumm pause; his demeanor changed, as did his form.
In man-shape he cleared his throat and began to relate a long pastoral poem about the life of a jevumm. The vorax noted down every word, and promised to spread it to everyone he met. In this way the fledgling cleverly played upon the jevumm's own vanity in order to save his life.
Now, the boy remained true to his word; everywhere he went he related the poem. Several other jevumm listened with almost lustful attention to his every word. By the time the jevumm gathered for their tribal meet nearly every one of them had heard the poem. It amazed the tiger-creatures that one vorax had been so proficient in spreading word throughout the entire territory of the tribe. In this way our young vorax had convinced them that the avians were unsurpassed lore-keepers, and most beneficial to their way of life. At this meet it was decided that the vorax were to be hunted no more, and thus fell amiable peace between the races.
So say the Sages.
*Purpurant - adj. Purple with vegetation, Karia's version of 'verdant'
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