A terrible crash and an inhuman cry echoed through the jungle. Tricks-the-Wind jumped to his feet and drew his pistols, ready for anything. At least, that is what he meant to do. It is difficult to move quickly when on the downswing of a high from chewing Mazu leaf. He was out of cigs, and Sikolo Powder was too potent to use all the time, so he had taken to chewing the common leaf known for its pain relieving properties and the minor buzz it produced. He was pretty sure it was normally used to ease childbirth or something like that. It wasn't much, but out in the wilds he would have to take what he could find. Anyway, back to the crash.
They did not have to wait long to find out what had made it. Matthew came stomping back into the camp, a full grown Jevuum held out in front of him by the scruff of its neck. Tricks' mouth hung open as Matthew announced "Damn big cat tried to take a bite out of me while I was taking a piss! Didn't realize what it was biting into I guess."
Tricks couldn't help himself. "You still do that?" Matthew gave him a level look. "I mean, you know, you still have that... equipment?"
The giant Mechified grunted. "Let's just say that didn't need enhancement. Now what do I do with this?" He gave a shake to the captive Jevuum, who was squirming, hissing, and clawing in his grasp.
Ryuu spoke up. "Just kill the damn thing! I need some sleep." Tricks noticed he had his sword out. Looking about he saw that the Gogajin was clutching that tree trunk he had taken to carrying around (he called it a 'caber' or something like that) and even Doc had her little needle-gun ready. He looked down at his own hands. Yep, his guns were there, though the safeties were still on.
Doc interposed. "No, wait! I should like to keep it. It could be useful." Tricks shuddered. He was pretty sure that woman was a textbook sociopath. She had been 'experimenting' with bits and pieces of every plant and animal they had run into. Even now she was busily writing notes about some Mazu leaves she had taken from him!
"No!" the Gogajin said angrily. "She was just protecting her territory; I warned you we shouldn't have come this way! Either kill her or let her go. She doesn't deserve..." he made a vague gesture toward Doc, "...that."
"Shut the fuck up Donkey Man!" That was Ryuu. "I liked you a hell of a lot better when you never talked." He looked at the Jevuum speculatively. "It's a she, eh? Wonder what a Jevuum's like in the sack..." That last was just a murmur, obviously just musing to himself. He glanced at Doc. "Well if you want a pet, don't expect us to take care of it for you. You'll have to dope it up like that one." He gestured over to the sleeping form of the psychotic Biomade woman, Eris. They had decided it was best to keep her sedated ever since she tried to eat Tricks. He shuddered again at that memory. They brought her around enough that she could walk on her own during the day, but at night they put her out completely. Doc said that the drug she used was her greatest accomplishment; not only was it a powerful sedative, it also interfered with the victims ability to manifest psychic powers. Tricks was not quite sure why they did not simply kill her. Ryuu just grinned when he asked and mumbled something about an 'ace'.
Donkey Man grumbled and laid back down. Matthew continued to hold the Jevuum out at arms length as Doc eagerly hurried to dope her up. Ryuu just watched the proceedings with a speculative frown. Tricks shook his head. All Cheldrun are crazy. I should quit the drugs and go back to living with other Zipsum. As long as they are clean, and the nests aren't full of bugs. And as long as they have something to eat other than nuts, berries, and icky grubs. He idly started chewing on another Mazu leaf. Yeah, I'll get right on that.
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