At some point during our sea voyage, at night, Rei speaks up to the rest of the group. She looks thoughtful, and somewhat troubled. What she says is as follows:
"I think we need to talk. All of us. We've gone too long without explaining anything about what we're doing or where we're going. I know we're heading west, but why? Because the Dusk Sages live there? These 'Dusk Sages' haven't been helpful to us so far. They're extremely dangerous at best, and they may be actively hostile towards us. Why are we going to their retreat? Do we want their assistance? Are they likely to give it? Are we going there to kill them if what we saw is correct and they really are causing this Cataclysm?"
"Are we just following an arrow in the sky? But who put it there, and why? Are arrows in the sky trustworthy forms of guidance? And then there's the Enemy to think about. Almost every place we've visited has been attacked by the Oni. Does it advance our cause to bring the same fate down on the Dusk Sages?"
"I don't know how traveling west will help us deal with Katashi Blade and his DisLocators. He's summoning Oni, using the Enemy to gain power, isn't he? Provoking war between the Cheldrun cities? There's Nero to think about, too. He's out there, planning something. I think of the two he's the more dangerous." Rei looks at Una. "And he hasn't forgotten what you did to his arm." She waits a beat. "... Before we met up again, I gained access to the computer core of the Bosphorous. I used the ship's sensors to scan the planet and its immediate surroundings for Enemy signatures. There are now Enemy signatures in most of the Cheldrun cities, some scattered across the wilderness, some in the wilderness surrounding the Grand Chantry. But those aren't what worry me. What worries me is the source of Enemy signatures in orbit of the planet, where they're clustered so thickly that the ship's sensors could not distinguish individual signatures."
Rei looks up at the sky and points to the wandering star. "There they are now," she murmurs.
"And if they're sitting there in orbit, what are they waiting for? If I had a position in orbit of a world capable of resisting my invasion, and my goal was the destruction of everything, I would bombard the planet with asteroids until it had suffered so many Extinction Level Events that there was no chance of anything surviving. Why haven't they done that? What do they want if not our deaths?"
"The point is, we're flying blind, unless one of you knows far more about the situation than I do. We have to deal with the Enemy somehow. How are we going to do that? We aren't exactly an army ourselves. I'd like our odds a lot better if we had more people under our command, but we can't do anything about that right now. What are we doing? Why are we sailing west? What do we intend to do when we get there?"
Rei looks at each party member in turn, waiting for an answer.
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Moses shrugs. "We're *always* fighting blind. sounds like the Enemy is all over the place, not just where we've been. Though I guess I don't know where you guys have been. But we haven't been into orbit, that's for sure. Maybe the Kyo-Tee-Shee are wrong. They're crazy, and I don't think they really help us, I think they just want manna and we're their ticket to manna."
" want to go find Katashi Blade? Ok, we'll go do that. And Nero too. Nero was...heh...Nero was the first scary person I got too angry to be scared of. But I don't think an army will help us. You saw what the Oni did to the city - the army didn't stop it. And now that we know about how the Hei Shi can show up, we can deal with them. And we can fight Hei Shi all day, but until people like Katashi Blade and Nero are...are taken down, there doesn't look there's much hope to stopping any of this. And you should remember - we had an army in the Goshi mines...and that didn't work. It just got a lot of good people killed. So whatever we do, I say, no army."
"Look. We still don't know *anything*. At all. Are the Dusk Sages doing this? Is it all just the Enemy? What about the white-rock, its connected to the Enemy somehow. And to manna. And to us, to our, Kata Kariana. But we don't know how they're connected. We've just found a bunch of pieces of something, but we don't know how they fit together, or what...what they're supposed to do. And we need to know before we start going around trying to make big changes."
"If the Enemy is in orbit, It can see us anyway. It knows where we are, and it can send...itself anywhere. I'm sure, if there's another continent across the ocean, a big clump of Enemy floating around in space has seen it. They're probably there, cooking up a new Oni to send at us."
"What I do know is that, we have this mask. Its really old, and magical. And the Dusk Sages did, are doing, *something* that has to do with all of this. This mask is showing us an arrow in the sky. If we were going to really ask whether we should follow it, well..." he gestures around us to the battle ship we're traveling in, its battle-scars from the Oni "its a little late."
Kiko speaks up hesitantly in her broken Cheldrun...
"I am scared, and I am not hero like you with sacred Kata Kariana, but I am not blind either. I see and I hear what you have been doing since you came to Grand Chantry many long time ago now. I hear how you found Dusk Sage ghosts in abandoned chamber and this ghost said that all Dusk Sages were causing Cataclysm. All my life I taught that Dusk Sages good and gentle and wise. Every Prill story have kind Dusk Sage, not evil. I don't know what believe, but is hard for me accept that all stories of my life are wrong. I think if ghost was not lying, maybe Sages have good reason for causing Cataclysm. Maybe we should know this reason. And maybe... maybe if they are not gentle and good like I believe, maybe you are strong enough heroes to defeat them with your sacred Kata Kariana."
Trencher then jumps in...
"Whoa. I'm not likin' what I'm hearing here. I don't know what the hell a Dusk Sage is, but some of you think they might be the ones sending the.. the.. the.. Enemy and you want to go say howdy? Julian and I are agreed that we're your men, especially after what you did for Tara, but we're not exactly excited about sailing off the edge of the world in the first place - let alone going right into a fight with who the hell knows what. I mean, I gather that this isn't exactly a democratic procedure, but it's a big planet right? There's gotta be some place to hide out until this blows over."
After a bit of silence, Trencher pipes back up...
"And whoever mentioned going after Katashi Blade - I think that's a fucking horrible idea. You are talking about the Executor of Goshi Corp right? The man with the teleporting psychic army and all the fucking heat bombs in the world?"
Rei speaks up again. "There were no Enemy signals on the western continent of this planet when I performed the scan, and I have no reason to believe that the Bosphorous' sensors were faulty. But Moses, you must understand, people are going to die. Good people. Bad people. Indifferent people. Whatever else is true about the world, death is. You have to realize, you have to see, that we are fighting to save one another, and some must be sacrificed if all are to be saved. We can't shirk away from sacrifice if we're going to win. We have to be willing to sacrifice ourselves by the thousands - by the millions ... for one another. Because if we fail, then there will be no more Cheldrun, and no more Karians. We will all be dead. Or worse than dead."
To Trencher, she says the following: "Katashi Blade may be many things, but in the end, he is only a man. A clever, powerful man, but just a man. He can bleed, and he can die. And I will see to it that he does both."
"I believe our course is set. I intend to go west. We are blind and the only good lead I have heard to find out what is really going on lies with the Dusk Sages across the ocean." Kiyoshi's face darkens. "What worries me is that you say these Enemy in orbit are on Elder Winter's Wandering Star. How long has that been here? How long have They been here?"
"Either they're recent arrivals, or..." Rei trails off, looking up at the wandering star as it shines brightly against the night sky. "Or they've been up there for two hundred years. Ever since the Cheldrun arrived on this planet. But that would mean that when the ships arrived here, the Enemy came here with them."
Rei glances at Kiyoshi. "I don't know why they would wait that long. Or why they haven't begun orbital bombardment. In their position, I would have begun bombardment of major population centers the moment the last Cheldrun ship was stripped down for parts. ... I suppose I'm still a long way from understanding them."
Mokuzai's finger slowly traces a verse of the book from Ben Hamur, nods to himself, then looks up to the group.
"I do not know this Blade, but if he is who I think he is, the evil he is capable of is something to be respected and feared. Even a pup can be dangerous if it lacks any sort of moral inhibition and from what I understand, Blade is no mere pup."
He draws a thick, phlegmy breath, clearing his throat.
"As for the Dusk Sages... it is safe to assume at this point that their motives and schemes are unfathomable. They are beings of immense power, longevity, and possibly infinite knowledge. I am not sure whether or not to trust in them, but as was pointed out, they are currently our only lead. I see our primary choice as continuing to follow the trail of breadcrumbs they have left for us. We must simply be careful to keep our wits about us; to keep our eyes peeled for what could be an impossibly intricate trap."
"What you say about the wandering star... sadly, I am by no means an expert on the subject, and the closest thing we have to an expert is back at the Chantry..." His voice trails off, a distant expression on his face... His eyes re-focus after a brief moment. "I may have a means to communicate with her, but it will take a great deal of time and effort. As is, she will be unable to respond."
A weathered hand reaches up and removes the pathetic, charred remains of the Gogajin field hat from his head, exposing the few hairs that weren't charred from the Oni.
"I am certain of one thing. Our goal, or at least my goal is true. Peace. In order to bring peace we must stop the Oni, Goshi, and..." He shoots a brief look towards Rei. "I'm assuming, Nero."
After scratching his head, he replaces the pathetic remains of the hat.
"Taking Goshi head-on is suicide, I'm sure we can agree. Trying to find Nero, one person, will be next to impossible, and a waste of the time that we may not have. Our choice seems clear: follow the clues we have, and try our best not to get got in whatever trap we may be heading towards."
He sits back, re-opening the book to his last page, saved until now by a careful finger.
"Of course, that's just my two-twigs-worth."
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