"Assassins, Namie. They will send Assassins after you."
"But why?" she had insisted naively. She could be such a child sometimes. The reason would be her father's resistance to Goshi, of course. No one who opposed Goshi these days was safe. With the war on Goshi rarely bothered with threats, censures and trials. It was swifter and easier to eliminate any and all opposition with violence.
Thus Namie and her family had been snuck onto different trains, bound in opposite directions, under assumed identities. Even still, Namie's uncle had chided her, "You must trust no one but members of our clan. They may turn you in. And never forget that the Hei-Shi can show up anywhere at anytime..."
Not exactly words of comfort.
Nothing made sense anymore. Once she had been Amuro Namie, a mischievous little girl with a fondness for the oily men and women her parents called the Mechified. She had begged and pleaded with her father, using her doe eyes, the ones mother said to reserve only for matters of importance, until he relented and adopted a young Mechified boy. Moses, he'd been called, and she used to get into such trouble with him. He loved her and would do almost anything she told him to (father said he was simple). So she told him to do things like chisel her name into the walls of the family shrine. She had such a whipping for that.
The worst time had been when she stole a dusty old artifact from the clan vault and helped him screw it into place on his shoulder. The Difference Engine, it was called. A relic of the First Minds from the age of space empires and even earlier. They had tried and tried to get it back from Moses, but the Engine had somehow become so entrenched in his machinery that removing it would jeopardize his very life. Even father was not cruel enough to kill the boy to recover the artifact. "The will of the First Minds is inscrutable," he intoned in his sacred voice and then swore everyone to secrecy on the matter. Namie did not get off so easy. She had no sweet rice for a year after that.
Yet somehow her childhood companion had grown up to become one of the most dangerous men alive. She still remembers the almost physical shock she felt the day she read in the papers that Moses was wanted for the murder of a foreman on the job. Her own gentle Moses? She'd protested to her father that it was impossible. She begged her father to go to the court and have Moses exonerated. She'd used her doe eyes. It was no use. Father had already been questioned by investigators and the evidence he'd seen was overwhelming. Moses was indeed guilty of murder.
It was worse the morning that Moses broke into the Goshi Corp tower and that photo was taken of him hurling the hunk of concrete that caused the explosion. Namie wept and wept until she had no more tears and though the horrible news kept coming it got easier after that.
It had been a dark time of her life, because just two weeks prior to the explosion in the tower her fiance, a son of the respected Master of Washi San Academy had been fired from his position as a director at Goshi Corp. Daitokuji Kiyoshi. Even saying that name aloud now would get you interrogated. The man she once was sworn to wed was now worth 35years Dead or Alive. 35years!
And his case made as little sense as the case of Moses. If ever there was a man who was more rigid in defense of his honor, more scrupulous in his actions and more certain in his loyalties than Daitokuji Kiyoshi she'd never met him. She recalled with some mortification how upon first meeting him and being allowed a brief time alone, as per custom, in the tea garden, she had hoped to steal a kiss. Improper it certainly was, but Namie had been excited by the prospect of breaking this taboo and imagined (since she'd always heard that men were lusty) that it would pleasantly surprise her husband to be. Instead, he had avoided her awkward attempts and maintained a steely courtesy that shamed her and made her feel small.
Could such a man really be a traitor? She couldn't fathom it.
And worst of all she had heard rumors that these two men from her past had somehow made common cause. It tied her stomach in knots even thinking about it. Kiyoshi had as much reason as anyone to hate Moses, his own father had died in the blast Moses caused. Kiyoshi had been a loyal employee, a Director for goodness sake, of Goshi Corp and he would never work together with the violent anarchists of the UMA... would he?
The door to her cabin opened silently, but the motion caught her eye and she turned to see a young woman in black leather with a hot pink bob striding aggressively into the space. A pink blade of psychic energy flickered to life around her fist.
Namie, sighed. "You've read my thoughts, haven't you. Uncle said not even to think of Moses or Kiyoshi lest they find me."
The woman nodded.
"Then there's no point, my protesting that you have the wrong person. I could show you my tickets and my identification that says my name is Sakura of the Ruby Hawk Clan, but you wouldn't believe me."
The woman shook her head.
"Why wait then?"
She seemed to consider her answer for a moment and then said, "You're less beautiful than I expected."
Namie had no idea what to make of that and the sudden disconnect made her laugh, a light airy sound. "I suppose I'm not genetically perfect like you. Is that what you mean?"
"No. I knew you were an Allskin, but I guess... I guess I just imagined that the woman he would marry would be more beautiful than me."
Where could this possibly be leading? "Do you mean Daitokuji Kiyoshi? We were betrothed because it suited our families, not... not because of our qualities. But that is over now. He is a traitor and my clan does not ally with traitors." She had practiced saying those words over and over, but they still hurt.
The silence between them was extraordinarily awkward, but when Namie thought about it the flickering blade did not really frighten her. In fact, it seemed... like a relief.
"Listen," Namie spoke up since the assassin was silent, "I'd rather not sit here wondering whether you're going to kill me forever. Do you suppose..."
She never saw the pink-haired girl move, but she felt the blade slide under her chin and the world went black...
And that might very well be the deathknell to my aspirations to have Aimi as a Companion. Kiyoshi warned her not to hurt Namie for something she could not control, gave her a chance to make the right choice...
When he finds out (and Moses!) that will be an interesting scene. Kiyoshi feels sorry for Aimi's circumstances, but this act will probably enough to push her over the edge in his perception, to label her an irredeemable villain and an enemy. And even if he manages to kill her he will have a hard time fighting his own sense of guilt for indirectly causing Namie's death. Excepting HD we are all a bunch of extremely tragic characters are we not?
Really, we are still all tragic - but HD is always someone else's tragedy :)
Well you'd have to be pretty twisted to think the story thus far was a comedy. ;p
Your aspirations for taking Aimi as a companion will go exactly as far as you are willing to take them. No more, no less. If you think Kiyoshi won't overlook this, then he shouldn't overlook this, but that doesn't mean that you can't still fully intend to take Aimi as a companion.
It's much more tragic that way. Remember, brutal throw-down fights with potential love interests are very much in keeping with the tradition of anime.
Kiyoshi knew she was an assassin. Did he think she was all puppies and sunshine? This is what she does. I'm actually surprised she was as nice about it as she was. Aimi was Mama Pain's favorite: she could have gotten really nasty. :P
Of course, Kiyoshi killing Aimi in a tragic duel also has a certain appeal, and has the added bonus of creating drama between Kiyoshi and Rei. Incidentally, that is also very much in the spirit of anime.
The point, of course, is that in lieu of a love dodecahedron for Kiyoshi and Aimi to be involved in, the drama has to come from SOMEWHERE. ;P
Bah, Kiyoshi probably will not even get the chance. Moses will find out she killed Namie, go gigantor on us, and just squish her once and for all.
And no, I had no delusions about who or what Aimi was, but Kiyoshi felt that up until now her actions had been forced on her because she was created and raised to believe that she had no other choice. Now that he took the time to point out that she could choose a different route, but she chose evil anyway... that really is not something I can see him forgiving. So much for a love interest; she is a great character but this act really puts her firmly in the enemy category.
Which brings me to another, possibly much more horrifying point: Aimi's knife doesn't do damage. It drains energy and it paralyzes.
Which means that this situation [b]could[/b] be exactly as it seems, but it could also very easily get very twisted, very quickly.
I intentionally did not bring that up actually. I am well aware that Aimi's heart might have grown three sizes and she kidnapped Namie in order to keep Goshi's other assassins from finding her because she knows Kiyoshi would blame her even if Namie was killed by someone else. Much more likely she is just planning on torturing her and eating her face or something, but still.
I'd say - Kyoshi will find out that Namie was kidnapped, or disappeared, and that people describe seeing a pink-haired teenage murderess nearby at the time, and then we'll see how he responds :)
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