Howdy all.
Following last night's session, and indeed building for the last couple sessions, there have been some game mechanic concerns expressed by a few of you. In my estimation the game is going really well. I'm having a blast. The quality of the roleplaying is superb, the story and setting development you've all jumped into here on the blog has been fantastic, and I like you all as people and enjoy gaming with you. So, while I am bringing this up so we can address the topic, I don't want this to sound like the game is failing or anything.
Essentially, though it wasn't said directly, what we are engaged in here is a kind of extended playtest. BESM 3rd ed didn't get much playtesting on it's own and I added and changed a lot about the system in building the campaign, so we're really doing something completely original. That means that the rules will need work. Additionally, the system does not have any (I mean ANY) built in balance. It is effects-based and designed to cover a very wide spectrum of possibilities, thus all the balance has to be accomplished by social contract. We have to agree to try and maintain a parity between character's and their various abilities. I really appreciate the maturity of this group that we can accomplish this, and though it means the rules might get changed a few times during the course of the campaign to reflect our current play experience, I hope it won't impact anyone's fun negatively.
Here are a few things that stand out to me as needing addressed and some thoughts of how to address them. Please jump into the comments and express your opinion.
Problem: Gem Distribution. It is tough to measure gems distributed for subjective reasons like roleplaying. Some players feel like gem acquisition has become difficult enough that they won't achieve the rest of their Kata.
Solution#1: I recommend that we end each session with a brief 5 minute chat wherein players recap important moments and nominate each other (or themselves) for gems for things which the GM might have missed. In that time we should each account for how many gems received during the session so we can see if Gem distribution is roughly even - though I don't plan on trying to make it perfectly equal every night.
Solution #2: I'm going to start rewarding gems for failures. Technically this was always a possibility, but I'm going to emphasize it. If you narrate a failure in a cool way you get a gem, just as you would for a success. Furthermore, if you narrate a spectacular failure in such a way that it has a concrete impact on your character (ie: I fall down disarmed in front of my foe) then you can earn an additional gem for embracing the fact that fun doesn't only come from kicking ass. I hope this increases the number of gems awarded each session.
Possible Solution #3: I'm considering this, though I'd like your opinion first... what if Katas did not require gems to activate, but only to learn or increase level? This would increase gem availability by having one less cost. It might mean though that Kata's were used extremely frequently in the game. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm not entirely sure. I may increase energy costs or consider other costs for Katas if we did this.
Problem: Imbalances between characters. I do not want all the characters to be identical. Moses can take a ton of damage, but not every character needs to be able to. Kiyoshi can deal a ton of damage, but not every character needs to be able to. Nevertheless it is important that players feel there is some kind of parity between their characters overall.
Solution: Mostly this will have to be dealt with on an individual character by character basis, though I encourage you guys to talk to each other about it as well in a polite fashion, so that we can come to agreement about what is fair. One thing that would be a big help is if people had some idea of their "role". In general I see the roles like this: Moses is the Tank, Kiyoshi is straight damage, Una is the healer, Rei is the stealth, HD is speed/recon, Mokuzai is support/buffing. Those aren't written in stone or anything, but they're what I've been basically assuming.
Problem: Kata Kariana. Really there are two problems here. One is that the Kata's need to be balanced. Mostly I'm actually pretty happy with them, but in Mokuzai's case they need work. Please let me know if your Kata don't match your expectations. From the beginning I've stressed that the Kata are flexible/changeable if you have different ideas. The second problem with the Kata is that they are designed by me instead of by you guys. On one hand I really like this because it adds an element of "discovery" to the game instead of character building being all about planning out how to spend the points. However, many players like planning out how to spend their points. Sooooo...
Solution: One option is that I could open up the Katas and just tell you guys what I was planning and then you could have input in their design. I'm okay with this. Doing it here with the Prill even gives us a decent story justification for it, since they are planning to teach you about the Kata Kariana anyway. The downside is that it removes a lot of suspense each time you go to buy a Kata, you'll already know what you're getting.
Problem: It seems to me that the Character Points are causing some confusion. More than one of you have observed that you could come up with better ways to spend the points than the Kata, so why should you pursue them? Not only does this derail the plot a bit, but it presents the problem that I have to account for a much wider array of possible abilities than I'd like to in game planning, and it circumvents the gem reward system which I think of as one of the coolest aspects of this campaign.
Solution: I planned the campaign to go from 200-500CP, but then I found that the Kata ate up around 200 of those CP in design. Originally I made the Katas require both gems and CP because I was concerned gem acquisition would be too easy so having a CP requirement would help control the pace that the Katas came into the game. I was wrong. The gems control the pace much more than the CP. Therefore the CP for Katas is pretty much superfluous. I could set it up so that Katas no longer require CP, but then drastically reduce the amount of CP gain per session. Because there has already been so many CP distributed and some of you have spent more than others on their character build, it would mean that I would have to do some math to make sure that you're all equal in terms of CP spent, but it would remove the confusion about whether you should save CP for Katas or use it on abilities of your own design.
There are some thoughts.
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I like solution #1 for the gem distribution thing, though it may or may not actually work in practice. Rewarding gems for failures also sounds good.
Here are my thoughts to add to the discussion (which Aric has already basically heard)
Gem Distribution: I like the combination of gems for spectacular failure, counting and keeping track of who is awarded what, and nominations at the end of the session if someone's behind I think these things will solve the current problems.
Imbalance: first off, I'd say that we shouldn't have any powers that we don't want NPCs to use on us, except for the Kata, which are special because only we have them, and Oni or Kyo-tee-shee because they are there to break rules. Kyoshi's 400dmg would worry me because an equivalent NPC could just do the same to Moses, for example.
I think it will help a lot if we give Kata Kariana more defined "territory" and use that as a limit on Attributes. So, we don't buy Regeneration or Healing or Area effects because that's what Kata do. Moses' Armour is limited to 20 because for more, he needs to use Kata. Maybe the same could be said for doing over 50 damage (or 100 or whatever) - to do more than that, it has to be a Kata. This also makes it a lot clearer how one wants to spend CP...
Kata Kariana: I'd give everyone the option of finding out the general sense of what's coming up, in-game, from the Prill. Then for those who want, negotiations with Aric. Again, this is also easier if the KK have "territory" that is laid out ahead of time. And it seems like Aric is down with negotiating KK after the fact, so hopefully this will work out.
Also, maybe if you buy up a Kata, the gem cost goes away if you use the lower levels. So if I have a Kata at level 2, I can use level 1 without a gem, or level 2 with a gem, and so on. Would definitely motivate us to buy these up...but still keeps the gem cost to do the most you can do. Example: Una could heal 30 health a day for free (energy?), or 60 all at once with a blue gem. So you're still not completely healed in one go, but we have a way to recover that isn't instantaneous but expensive or long-term and...really slow.
Character Points: I like the current pace, actually, and having the KK cost CP is fine with me. I still have to make significant decisions between buying Attributes, Stats, or saving up for Kata, etc.
Example of Kata Kariana "territory"
Only Kata Kariana can do the following:
*Provide more than 20 Armour
*Deal more than 100 damage in one hit (not sure how to handle crits - I pick 100 because that is enough to obliterate a healthy, above-average person in one go)
*Supernaturally heal
*Provide regeneration
*Apply the Area variable
*Magically remove effects like poison, disease, stunning, paralysis, etc.
I really like the idea of defining the territory of the Kata more clearly (100 is a good limit).
I hate to swamp folks with house rules, but this might just be what the system requires.
I also am intrigued by the idea of Katas of lower levels not requiring the gem. That might work... Hmmm
Well, with custom races, Kata Kariana, Never Gems and so on, we've already got a lot of House Rules. I wouldn't really worry about that part. We're just changing around the house rules that you've added, really, which is kind of what the BESM system seems to assume - that you'll mod it based on what you want in the game.
Okay - Given the offer to find out what your Kata are and have a say in designing them who would prefer that over the present method of being surprised? Say aye.
I'd been waiting on Joshua or Mario to reply to this before I said anything else, but eh. As far as knowing future Kata, I personally would generally rather know what's coming than not. I'm one of those people who likes planning out how to spend my points, and as is, I've often found myself wondering if the kata actually fit into the way I want to expand Rei's abilities, or if I should just spend my character points elsewhere. Hopefully now that the player-supplied aspect of their theme is no longer just the first thing I thought to blurt out at the chargen session, that won't be as much of an issue, though.
I'm fine with not knowing. If I get one that turns out to suck, I'll let you know :)
Hell no! I won't know!
Er... wrong time period. Personally, I'd rather not know and simply say something If I feel I wasted CP/Gems on something. It's worked well thus far, so no reason to doubt it now.
I am fine either way. I enjoy the element of surprise, but it would not kill me if I knew ahead of time either.
I'll go for the surprise; it's like Christmas anticipation every time a new Kata comes up! (...I'm so excited to see how I disembowel them this time. *grin*) Of course if I don't like my Kata, I can make the GM's life a living hell. hehehe ;)
I would also second the idea of reducing gem cost for using lower level Katas. That would allow us a little more variable in combat.
Okay. Given this discussion, for tonight's game the following rules changes will be in place:
Failures will be rewarded with gems when they are cool. An extra gem is available for failing in a costly way.
We will close with a quick gem wrap up to help distribute gems more evenly.
2nd tier Kata's of levels lower than your present maximum may be activated without a gem for 10 additional energy per level. ie: Una has "Blood of the Fallen Vorax" at lv2. Thus she could activate it at lv1 for 20 energy and 1 red gem, or 30 energy and no gems.
Character balance issues will continue to be addressed in an ongoing basis as will Kata changes. Those (Paul) who wish to learn what their future Kata may be or have more input can talk to me separately.
See you all tonight!
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