Fucking Jungle.
Ryuunosuke squinted into the dawn sun, fixating on the billowing plumes of smoke from the far shore of a massive lake. It was the first sign of civilization in a long time, but rather than being glad to know that he was less than a day from the city of Stardown it merely stoked his anger - and angry he certainly was. Seething, is really the appropriate word.
Seething at his preposterous situation. Led by an illiterate Ass out into the inhospitable wild by a transparent trick, which he had somehow been taken in by, only to be suddenly assaulted by an army of (what?) eyeless Zipsum who overwhelmed the village and separated him from his companions, who were probably all now dead (and who knows also eyeless horrors roaming the jungle), having come within milliseconds of completing his delicious vengeance only to have it stolen from him by a bird, and then having to flee hundreds of kilometers through the jungle alone.
But now he was arriving at the city of Stardown. Fellow Cheldrun were within sight, along with their hospitals, and recognizable food, and beds. Rather than feeling relieved, he felt his rage flaring even more.
Rage at this fucking jungle. Since departing Ben Hamor in haste Ryuunosuke had fallen into two ravines, been hunted by Jevumm three times, been attacked by six types of insects, including a swarm of hyper hornets, nearly drowned, removed twelve different blood-sucking arachnids and three different shapes of leeches, eaten some kind of poisonous fruit, and contracted a disgusting pink rash from who knows where. If not for his absurd stamina, agility and auto-immune system, Ryuunosuke would never have survived the journey. As such he hated to admit that the jungle had so nearly defeated him, the Dragon.
The bile rising to his mouth was especially intense at the word 'defeat'. Ryuunosuke does not lose. Ryuunosuke does not retreat. His blood boiled yet more fervently.
Of course, he had not really lost. Nor had he really retreated. He had destroyed Kiyoshi. It had been something short of the humiliating defeat in a single duel that he had wanted, but the cuts were just as deep, the blood just as red. Without access to a hospital Daitokuji Kiyoshi, his old adversary must certainly have died from those wounds. He had won. Kiyoshi had been too naive to see the attack coming - just as sure a victory as one earned in single combat. Right?
Jolted by a pain in his fist Ryuunosuke realized that he had been unconsciously punching the tree beside him. The spot was cracked and splintered where his punches had been landing.
The wrath was not retreating. Nothing would comfort him or restore his wounded ego. No matter how he retold the story, Ryuunosuke grew only more and more certain that he was being mocked by Karia herself. He would not be satisfied until Kiyoshi had paid sufficiently for insulting him and since Kiyoshi was now beyond his reach, Ryuunosuke would attack that which Kiyoshi loved most dearly - his precious clan and their honor.
Prior to departing Geneva Prime, Ryuunosuke had done a little bit of snooping around and learned that the Silver Phoenix Clan, under their new patriarch Lord Daitokuji Ichirou, were quietly resettling in Matamos. The scandal of Ichirou's betrayal was big news at Washi San Academy, but it was not nearly as scandalous as his acceptance into Kensei Do Academy in Matamos. The people of Matamos had only been too happy to receive a champion of his caliber into their midst despite their political ties to Geneva Prime. As vulnerable guests of the city arriving on a wave of scandal the Silver Phoenix Clan would be in a tenuous position, indeed. A position Ryuunosuke could exploit.
Out on the lake Ryuunosuke spotted a trash barge carrying Stardown's waste out to the deepest parts of the lake to be dumped. Trotting down to the shore he began waving his arms to get its attention. His fury gave him purpose and direction. First, into Stardown to recover from this cursed jungle, earn a little money from street-fighting and vent some aggression on the fools of this city. Then, catch a train to Matamos where he would find the Silver Phoenix Clan.
If by some chance you survived Daitokuji Kiyoshi, I hope you make it one day to Matamos to find the ruin of your entire clan. They will die without honor or glory and no one will remember your house anymore than they remember the irrelevant teachings of the Saishi.
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A blessing on your head?
(Mazel tov, Mazel tov)
Poor Kiyoshi. Still, I do believe that the line is, "A pox on both your houses." Which makes me wonder whose house the other one is.
I hope this somehow results in Moses vs. Mecha :)
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