Everything went wrong all at once. With a demon and a flying train. But you know about that already.
And then BANG we all went into Mokuzai-land where there was plenty of tea and I ate all of his candied nuts but you couldn't leave no matter how much you tried. Seriously. I walked all over and even tried to go backwards when forwards didn't work. People talked and I don't remember what they talked about. They sounded serious and I didn't have any Magic Stickers for Kyoshi so it'll be a while before he gets any better.
Una has magic that's better even than Magic Stickers, but she can only use it when she's sad, which for her I guess is all the time. Sorta. Except know who. And stuff. Um.
Then we came back out of Mokuzai-land, and we were up on this cliff with Una where other Vorax used to live. No nuts. Nuts! Of course. Because they're Vorax. Or they used to be Vorax. Or they're still Vorax but they're gone. Or because they're gone they're not Vorax anymore. Or something. Empty nests and paintings.
And then Zipsum came! Drum-drum-drum-drum-da-drum-drum. Profound-Speaks-Always and I negotiated. It went better than with the Biomade because no one had to be tied up. And I didn't lie to her because:
1. She asked about Cheldrun defilers, and our Cheldrun weren't defiling. Moses kinda smells, but I wouldn't call it defilement.
2. I thought it would be better to, you know, just go with them and hang out with them and eat and run and jump (and splash! but that's later) but not talk about the Cheldrun with us because it would make her mad.
3. Yup. It made her mad.
4. I'm not sure why I'm numbering these anymore.
5. Now lets get back to the story and stop numbering stuff.
We ran and ran and got there really quick with Una. And they were all over the place! It was great! The Riverswift Clan smells like foam and algae and they jump and they dive and they have loads of nuts and we ate (we're sorry!) a very special fruit that they explained to me but I forgot while I was eating it and I jumped and no one ever jumped so well ever before and splash! (see above) and then they thought I was dead and I went all crackly-tingly and bounced around (I think that'll help when we have to kill more Cheldrun) but that was before they thought I was dead-
Ha! But I wasn't!
And then we partied but then Profound-Speaks-Always got mad and talked at us, like I said. So now they're prisoners, which means they get the last dibs on the food! Ha-ha!
Oh, and there's something about a big Vorax and a hole in the ground. But I don't think I'm going into any holes that aren't in trees and filled with nuts thankyouverymuch.
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Cool. Glad to have something up there in High-Dive's voice.
Hmm. I've been mulling over skills. They don't get used much and I'm having trouble coming up with scenarios for them to be necessary.
Part of the problem is that even when I plan for things to happen using certain skills those things are often more easily resolved with attributes you guys have.
I want to reward you guys for spending points on those skills, but I'm not sure I see it happening that much over the course of the campaign.
That's a good point - its rare that things are accomplished by skills at all really. Attributes do a lot of the same stuff, and where there is overlap, Attributes are more powerful and fun to use.
Although - I think I've used all of Moses' skills at least once except for Streetwise perhaps, and Powerlifting I've used four or five times at least. And, given that Skills are pretty cheap, that might be about right - once every couple of sessions.
The problem is Acrobatics, since it comes up all the time,and is by far the most useful skill. Maybe if you were more specific - Acrobatics for tumbling or cartwheels - things an Olympic acrobat might do, but Body checks for just physically getting around.
Thought, you also might just say that rolls aren't usually necessary in situations like that. We run about our move speed, or jump about our jump distance, and that's that...Body check to do something tricky (since on average most of us will fail those at TN 12).
There could be penalties for attempting things we are totally unskilled at, perhaps equal to the relative difficulty of the action?
So if I'm attempting to do something that's really trivial (and doesn't cost very much at all to buy as a skill), no penalty, but trying to do calculus with just my mind stat and no 'mathematics' skill would put me at -2 or -3 to my roll?
I think that in BESM that's just handled by raising the TN from around 12 to around 18, but a penalty could also work
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