The blood on the walls still ran a little; they hadn't been dead long. Even as I turn towards our guide, Kiyoshi charges up the stairs to our host's audience chamber, his fellows hot on his heels.
"Does this happen often?" I ask Samara.
"To us, yes." The metal man says as he hefts a large piece of furniture and begins lumbering up the stairs.
Just who have I gotten myself tangled with?
The sound of screaming pulls me from my thoughts and I pursue my new companions. Our host, Tsuchinaga Yamoto is dying, and several of his playthings are already dead. One of them is strangling another as calm as if she were folding clothes. Are these Cheldrun insane?
Rei claims it is the work of her brother, Nero, and that he is here looking for something. She plans to stop him.
Is it so wise to stand in the way of one who kills with such recklessness?
She says he can compel others to do things they would never do.
Goshi compelled YOU, Oathbreaker. My anger begins to rise.
The others, save Kiyoshi descend after Rei. Kiyoshi wishes to bid his friend farewell in private. Very well, such must be your custom.
In the distance, I hear explosions and the death screams of innocents.
How does one make peace with that which isn't at peace with itself?
Rei beckons me; I must have gotten lost in my thoughts again.
I embrace the Song of Clarity as we descend. My thoughts clear and sharpen to a bleeding edge. Something about these 5 is special. Something about them carries part of the answer to my riddle, the riddle that brought me here... the Riddle of Peace. I let the Songs flow through them. There, that should help.
I continue to question Rei about her family relations. Do all Biomade siblings have this degree of rivalry? How do they survive past 12? She assures me she's a special case. Just how special? What is the answer to your riddle, young one?
A screaming woman covered in blood lunges at Una, taking us all by surprise. My protective instincts rise; the Song of Tempest is roused. Fortunately for her assailant, she gives up her assault when Una wounds her. I continue to channel the Song. If there is to be battle, I will be prepared.
The metal man- Una called him... Moses? Yes. Moses -is holding a cask of wine and fits it with a burning rag. Where did he find a keg of wine? Your excessive ponderings are making you miss things, old man.
Kiyoshi slashes open a door, and I see our quarry for the first time. Rei exchanges words with this... child? What sort of people births children capable of such evil?
Another figure stands in the room, dripping with water? I suddenly realize my feet are cold. We've been walking in water. The thought of releasing the Tempest strikes me as a very bad idea.
And then hell breaks loose. A barrel flies through the air and bursts into flame, knives whirl across the room, striking Moses and Una. Una! I must help her! Kiyoshi is surrounded by a whirlwind of purple droplets, and the figure in the middle of the room bursts into a Tempest of its own, sending us all staggering. A knife buries itself below my collar bone. Pain. A fireball explodes around Rei, sending Kiyoshi and Moses flying. Una screams in rage, and the skin seems to melt off Nero's arm, and then, it's over.
What in Karia did you get yourself into, old man?
The figure in the middle of the room is jabbering about Mana, marks, and... Kata Kariana? You've heard of these things, old man. Age it seems, has the benefit of knowledge and experience. It wants White Rock. It eats that horrid substance?
Goshi is still fresh in your mind, isn't it Oathbreaker. They used the white rock to make you break your oath. I already have a dislike for this creature.
The Tempest jolts through my body, and blackness envelops me. White rock again. I'm really beginning to hate this substance.
Finally I come to. We're leaving. Why did we come down here?
We come again to the audience chamber, where lies the headless body of our host. Do all Cheldrun friends offer each other such a death? At least he was dignified with a silken death shroud.
Samara briefs us on our escape, and we are taken to a train station. I still hear the explosions and the screaming.
Even Jevuum have more mercy than this...
The train ride is, for lack of a better word, putrid. Do these Cheldrun dirty everything they touch? Aren't they capable of beautification?
Rei asks me not to apply my observations to my perception of all Cheldrun. At least she understands how hard that is, given recent circumstances.
Another explosion shakes the train violently and the brakes bring us to a screeching halt.
"Where is the Zipsum?" I ask, annoyed, as the little green creature streaks in from outside, chittering about demons, starting the train, and something about candy.
You know, old man, you ask far too many questions.
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It works well enough, I suppose. But I can't say I'm particularly proud of this piece. It just wasn't flowing tonight.
I think it's great. In particular I thought you did the battle with Nero well - you compressed it into a paragraph which really made it feel fast and overwhelming, which despite the fact that it takes a long time to play out in game is how it would really be. nice.
Incidentally, since next session is the conclusion of this two-parter, I intend to tap you again to write so the whole "Birth of a Demon" story is told by Mokuzai. This will also catch you up with everyone else at 2 entries in the Campaign Journal.
Except Pam. Hey Pam - wanna write for the journal?
Anyway, really awesome. As usual I'm excited about our next session, but especially this one since I get to try and accomplish a "boss fight" in a tabletop RPG which I've never attempted. Plus it's the end of the Act, and transition in the story.
Heh. I'll have to try to get Pam to read the blog now :)
I liked it as well, especially the battle paragraph. I also like how it is a bit disjointed - it makes sense to be written that way because the POV is someone who is out of his element in a number of ways.
Isn't there supposed to be a save and restoration point right before a boss fight? We could be in trouble...
I'm with Joshua. There should be some fount of health somewhere between our train car and the one holding the eyeless Hurricane, right?
It was worth a shot anyway...
Mario, I really enjoyed reading this because it gave me a better idea of what's going through your character's head during all those times he wasn't really speaking. Helps me to know meta-game whether he is anti-social or just distracted all the time :)
he he... I totally should put a save point in!
We might need to reload a couple times before we figure out the right boss strategy.
Either way, considering that Una has healing magic, Moses and Kiyoshi both have blue gems, and Rei has a stim patch for Una, I'm pretty sure that the first round should go like this:
Una - Magic
Moses - Defend
Rei - Item
Actually, I think there might be a really cool idea here with the "save" option for an RPG. It is a mechanical way to solve the problem of a total, or even partial, party kill without having to justify resurrection somehow. Somewhat off-topic, but anyway.
Lemme just save up my next 5 or 6 dozen character points and I'll work on this whole save and load thing...
Or not.
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