I watch as the last light of day fades beyond the treetops. Fireflies become visible, dotting the woods like wisps, begging to be chased. No such horrors were to be found here, however. I close my eyes and draw the air through my withered nostrils. I could all but see the figures of other Prill as they walked about the paths below. One was moving rather hurriedly... I could smell her sweat even from here, my home, a good fifty feet above the twisting paths surrounding the Grand Chantry. There were few others about; now was the time to leave.
I hope no one tries to stop me. A debate is not what I need right now.
I rise to my feet slowly, allowing the Song of Clarity to fade with the night breeze. My senses close back upon me, suddenly leaving the world feeling much, much smaller. I open my eyes and find the room is even darker than the now impenetrable blackness of the night.
You really need to learn to keep your thoughts grounded, old man.
I stumble about my abode, feeling for a candle. There. The dim light plays tricks with the shadows as I make my final preparations. Little trinkets and mementos of my life adorn every inch of the little domicile. There, a carving of a swan that was made for me by my grandson.
He always had a good eye for craftsmanship, even as a pup he- you're sidetracking again, old man.
I don my well-worn robes, appearing yellow in the light of the weak flame. I hang the folds about my frame carefully, making sure to have everything in its proper place. My eye catches the image of the Eye on my right shoulder and the writhing Maelstrom on my left, the flickering illumination giving it the appearance of movement.
We all choose the ways by which we mark ourselves. With my marks, my memories shall ever be a part of me.
I finish tying my sash and reach for my traveling hat, as worn and well-used as the paths of the Chantry itself.
You path isn't so well traveled today, is it old man?
My hand hesitates as I reach for it. My nose picking up the smell... her smell.
I turn and slowly walk over to my bedside table, opening the ornately carved box I keep all my dearest treasures in. The smell fills my senses, amplified by its meaning to me. I withdraw a lock of hair, neatly held together with a bright yellow ribbon and hold it to my nose. Tears begin to well up in my eyes. I remembered clearly the day my then-future mate had given it to me. "Even should you fail your test for Guardianship, remember you still have me."
Your resolve is weakening, old man.
I quickly, but delicately place the favor in the box and snap the lid closed. Too much time. If I linger any longer, I'll lose my will to go. I steel my thoughts with my purpose, and stride out the door.
The walk is easier the further I go. I gaze upon the impeccable architecture of the Chantry as I walk its winding paths.
You go to preserve this. You go to preserve your people, your family. Most of all, you go to preserve Karia.
As I leave the city, I turn and gaze for one long moment at the Chantry itself. At this distance, one could take in its full beauty... and I did not hastily end what could very well be the last time I see my home.
"You're actually going, aren't you?"
I turn to my left with a start. Elder Moon stands before me, her eyes glowing like a pair of celestial bodies in the shrouding night. Her scent nearly buckles my knees as I experience it directly from the source. I let out a long sigh. This is exactly the debate I wanted to avoid.
"Yes." I reply curtly. Hopefully a visage of stubbornness will end this before it starts.
"You seemed very set in your plan, but I wasn't sure even you would be mad enough to pursue it. You are a bit of an embellisher, after all."
She's toying with me. But that's... yes. Admiration in her voice.
"Embellishment is only justified when the basest kernel of the story rings true, is it not?" I say, cocking a playful eyebrow. She knows me too well. I should have known a petty act wouldn't end this. Not with her.
"In that case, I, and several others on the Elder Council, would like to extend their wishes of fortune to you."
My mouth drops. This was the last thing I had expected... Quit kidding yourself, old man. You didn't expect this at all.
Elder moon smiles impishly at my response. "Well, I see I still have a knack for getting you to gape like an amazed child." My mouth snaps shut and I feel my cheeks redden. She cuts me off before I can muster a witty response. "We also wish to give you this." My eyes widen as she produces a staff. The moonlight strikes the fist-sized nevergem embedded in its head, bathing the clearing in a blue light. My eyes travel down its length, noting the impossibly gnarled state of the wood and noting with further amazement how my eyes never seemed to find the same knot twice.
You're gaping again, old man.
Elder Moon, still grinning from my reactions, holds the staff out for me to take. As it passes to my hands, I note how comfortable the staff feels. Hesitantly, reverently, I place the base on the ground, holding it as it was meant to be held. "Felt the need to give an old man a walking stick, did you?"
You and her both know why.
A cloud passes over the moon and the blue light fades. We stand near each other, feeling each other's presence. We embrace, each holding the other as if they were life itself. No questions needed to be asked. No answers needed to be shared. No words at all were needed. The embrace slackens, and as the moon once again sheds light on the clearing, Elder Moon is gone.
She never was good at goodbyes.
I cast one more look towards the Chantry, basking beneath the night sky, and turn down the path.
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Do I detect a love-interest? That's good. Not all the NPC's players create can be recurring villains.
~Blue moon
You saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own
Blue moon
You know just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for~
I intended her to be bit more than a simple interest. More of a mate, really.
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