Character Creation

Players will start with 200 Character Points. Though no official maximums will be set on any individual stat or attribute the guideline on page 9 of the rule book is a good rule of thumb: 60% Stats, 20% Attributes, 20% Skills. Characters will buys skill points from the Multi-Genre column from the table on page 89.

Players are encouraged to take Defects, though they should be advised that a Defect is always worse than an Attribute of equivalent point value and Defects may not be bought off with experience during game unless very specific requirements are met and the GM approves it. Defects are a great tool to enhance roleplaying and develop more interesting characters, not a min/max opportunity.

The GM will not accept any character concept that boils down to “I Kick Ass!” Players should have well developed character concepts that fit within the campaign theme and their racial selection. In that spirit consider the following guidelines:

The Cheldrun are suited to Steampunk fantasy style weapons, and combat.

  • For a sharpshooter, mech-user or any character which depends primarily on their equipment for power – play an Allskin.
  • For psychic powers or a very skilled individual play a Biomade.
  • For a cyborg play a Mechified.

The Karians are suited to sword and sorcery style weapons, skills and powers.

  • For heavy hitting melee combatants play a Gogajin or a Jevumm.
  • For martial artists or ranged combatants play an Anakarix or Zipsum
  • For a magic user play a Prill
  • For bizarre powers play a Vorax.

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